Monday, January 24, 2011

Follow-up with LAN Airlines & the Travel Voucher

You may recall that on the flight from Santiago to Easter Island (17 Nov) I was involuntarily downgraded from business class to economy. This was due to the airline over-booking business class. In fact, LAN Airlines has a history of overbooking flights in general but to IPC in particular. While I can appreciate that this makes good business sense, it isn't pleasant to be on the short end of the stick. Still, the airline got me on the flight as planned and I received a credit voucher for either US$120.00 (applied to a credit card) or USD$400.00 for use toward future LAN travel. I opted for the former.

On Easter Island I visited the local LAN office (11/20) and waited (wasted) over an hour before my number was called. There, the agent "processed" my request to have the US$120 credited to my Amex card. "It could take up to five weeks for the credit to appear on the statement," I was told. To date there has been no credit received.

Working with LAN Airlines has been exceedingly difficult. I was finally able to access the information online and get a voucher number, something I wasn't given by any representative. The status showed the voucher to be "active." Finally I got through to a LAN representative, Oscar, who "processed the request" and again I am to watch for the US$120. to appear on my Amex card within the next five weeks or so. Time will tell.

Even if this transaction results in the appropriate credit on my Amex card, I have to say, for the record, that my overall experience with LAN Airlines has been a disappointment. In terms of carriers within the oneworld airline alliance that I flew on, this airline is clearly the weakest link. It's unfortunate since they are the only airline flying to Easter Island and frankly, I wouldn't mind returning to visit the island again sometime. Suffice it to say that I'll be prepared for this ahead of time and be much more pro-active.