Sunday, October 31, 2010

Off to Hong Kong

Sure hated to leave Singapore. The city is fascinating, I loved where I stayed and the efficiency of everything was marvelous. I felt safe and the people were very friendly. I see a return visit sometime in my future.

Daniel was kind enough to call a taxi for me and help me downstairs with my luggage. Hugs for both Chin and Daniel and off I went to the airport. Spending some time in the Cathay Pacific lounge after checking in I got caught up on email, had a snack and watched planes until the flight was called. The single piece of luggage now weighs 29.8 kg with 30 kg being the max allowed per bag without charge. Something will have to be done on my next stop ...

Departure was on-time and after take-off the airplane circled out and around the airport affording a terrific view of a beautiful and efficient airport, arguably the best in the world.

Dinner was served after I enjoyed a nice glass of Johnny Walker gold label. Then a nap and before long we were descending for landing. II've visited Hong Kong several times before but this time there were some new "firsts" namely, first time visiting since the former British colony was "reunited" with China and first time landing at the new airport. The former Kai Tek airport often involved aircraft maneuvering that had the potential for emotionally scarring a passenger, perhaps for life. I loved it!

After clearing immigration and customs without incident I was confronted by a man claiming to be a taxi driver and pressuring me to use his service. I stopped my baggage cart and asked why he wasn't sitting in his taxi waiting for passengers in the queue? And then I rather loudly told him to move on before I contacted the police! I took a legitimate taxi into the city and had a very chatty driver who was very funny and let me use his cell phone to contact the friend of my host who was to let me into the apartment.

I waited for Billy and after a little while he arrived apologizing. I guess I was supposed to phone him from the airport but no worries. He helped me carry my luggage up the stairs to the fifth floor. I was exhausted. Four keys were used to unlock the two doors! WWe visited a bit and off he went. Erica, the host was in Shanghai and would return the following day. I was in bed by 1 a.m.