Friday, November 12, 2010

Bulletin: Sun Shines In London, England

Albert Memorial (top, left). Remembrance Day (top, right). London Eye (above).

Walking along the Serpentine (top, left). The Queen was home (top, right). Big Ben likes the sun too (above).
Westminster Abbey side view (above).

Who would have thought that despite weather reports to the contrary my arrival in London would be marred by sunshine and blue sky! Good heavens, I was totally unprepared!!

This visit to London has been completely different than those in the past. Besides there being a lot of sunshine (all day on Day 1, part of Day 2 and it's looking like at least part of Day 3), the temperature has been chilly/cold (I had to purchase some gloves) but at least no snow. It's late autumn and fallen leaves were being raked up at Hyde Park when I strolled the length of it. The wind was blowing strongly but there were joggers running the paths and people sitting on benches taking in the afternoon sun. I'd already bolted over to Westminster as soon as I'd arrived to catch the buildings of Parliament with sunlight coming from behind me. As I walked past Westminster Abbey there was a crowd growing which I later learned was a protest regarding tuition increases. I kept walking, ultimately making my way to Buckingham Palace to note the Queen's royal standard flying overhead indicating that she was in residence. By the time I made it back to where I was staying it was time for a nap.

I'm staying with Shanin and her two boys, Dillon (nearly 4) and Noah (7 months) in the third and final AirB&B accommodations. She lives in the area of London known as Kensington but near Earl's Court, in a flat on the fifth floor. There is no lift. It is interesting to say the least. I've essentially immersed myself into the local experience of this little English family and their day-to-day activities. We all went out for dinner one evening, then shopping and running errands the next day including a late afternoon lunch/early supper at a favorite Italian restaurant. There was ample time in the evening to play various games with the Wii player; Dillon is very competitive! He is also very cute and a model for D & G! They also have a new kitten named Spike with whom I've been having some fun.

While the thought that I'm missing out on seeing some of the usual sights has crossed my mind, I can't ever imagine having this kind of local experience again. I actually feel rather fortunate the way it has all played out during this very brief visit to London.