Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Final Few Days in Hong Kong

Among the interesting sights depicted here are: the clock tower down by the waterfront on the Kowloon side (pic 5), The Peninsula Hotel entrance with a nice Rolls Royce parked out front (pic 4). I went inside to see the ornate lobby but opted not to have afternoon tea. Some cute school children were visiting the aviary at the Kowloon Botanic Garden (pic 3) not to be confused with a different kind of "aviary" where I found cages of birds at the bird market (pic 2) which made me sad. One of the ferry boats all lit up upon arrival at HK Island (pic 1). The regular ferries crossing back & forth aren't all lit up like this.

My last night here found me heading across to HK Island in search of The Globe Bar & Cafe which Erica said is a favorite hang-out for expats. (If you check out the website you'll see a photo of the bar. I sat at the bar, third seat from the left). The hike meant using the Mid-levels escalators in the area called "Central" before heading over to "SoHo" where the bar is located. While at The Globe I had some delicious bar food and a beer. Then I started chatting with Kirsten who was sitting to my left typing wildly away at her laptop. Found out she's an assistant manager, born & raised in HK as wanted to make sure I was having a good stay. When I told her what I was doing (the RTW gig) she called over a bunch of other bar patrons saying, "you've got to meet Steve, he's traveling around the world!" She told the bar tender to get me another drink, this one "on the house." Too bad that I'd already paid my bill for the first one and the food. Anyway, I had a blast chatting away with some interesting people. I am happy to report that I could still navigate my way back to the ferry terminal, cross over to Kowloon and get on the number 7 bus back to Erica's. I was also happy that it dropped me off almost in front and that she was still out. I went straight to bed; sober, but tired.